Using the OpenStack SDK

The OpenStack SDK library provides a unified API to interact with OpenStack clouds. I’ve been doing a lot of work on it lately and am only now starting to gain an understanding of just what’s going on (there are fewer layers in an onion 😊). These are my notes on how to use the Resource-based objects found in e.g. openstack/compute/v2/

Intro to the Resource object

As the name would suggest, the Resource object wraps a type of API resource or collection of API resources. For example, take nova’s /servers API. This API supports a number of CRUD-style operations:

  • GET /servers (list servers)
  • POST /servers (create server)
  • GET /servers/{id} (fetch server)
  • PUT /servers/{id} (update server)
  • DELETE /servers/{id} (delete server)

If you were to define a simple Resource definition for this API, it would likely look something like this:

class Server(resource.Resource):

    # API path
    base_path = '/servers'

    # envelope parameters
    resource_key = 'server'
    resources_key = 'servers'

    # capabilities
    allow_create = True
    allow_fetch = True
    allow_commit = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True

    # attributes
    access_ipv4 = resource.Body('accessIPv4')
    access_ipv6 = resource.Body('accessIPv6')
    # ...

There’s a lot of abstraction going on here, and it’s obviously far from complete (look at openstack/compute/v2/ in the openstacksdk project if you want the real deal), but there are a couple of crucial components here. Firstly, we’re giving the path to the API:

    # API path
    base_path = '/servers'

This is the base path, which is extended with additional path components depending on the operation.

Next up, we’re stating the keys used for the envelope:

    # envelope parameters
    resource_key = 'server'
    resources_key = 'servers'

Pretty much all OpenStack APIs use envelopes, by which we mean all responses are returned with a JSON object on the outside. The above configuration means the responses for operations that work with multiple resources (so just GET /servers in this case) will be accessible via the servers key, while those that work with individual resources will be accessible via the server key. If we look at the nova api-ref we can see this is indeed the case. For example, consider a typical response for GET /servers (list servers):

  "servers": [
      "id": "22c91117-08de-4894-9aa9-6ef382400985",
      "links": [
          "href": "",
          "rel": "self"
          "href": "",
          "rel": "bookmark"
      "name": "new-server-test"
  "servers_links": [
      "href": "",
      "rel": "next"

And an equivalent response for GET /servers/{id} (fetch server):

  "server": {
    "OS-DCF:diskConfig": "AUTO",
    "OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone": "nova",

Finally, you have the allowed operations and the fields or attributes of the server resource:

    # capabilities
    allow_create = True
    allow_fetch = True
    allow_commit = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True

    # attributes
    access_ipv4 = resource.Body('accessIPv4')
    access_ipv6 = resource.Body('accessIPv6')
    # ...

The attributes are a fairly simple mapping from the resource to some attribute of the API requests and responses and in essence allow us to map e.g. the accessIPv4 field in API requests and responses to the access_ipv4 attribute of the Server object. More interestingly though, for the purposes of this post, are the capabilities. The value of these capabilities defines whether the following aptly named methods from the Resource class are usable or not:

  • create
  • fetch
  • commit
  • delete
  • list

We’ll go into details on how to use these shortly - that is, after all, the main point of this post - but suffice to say you can make a call like Server.list(...) and it will return a list of Server objects. In any case, the servers API supports all of the CRUD-style operations and we’re stating as much here through this configuration. This means a user can use any of these CRUD methods (with correct input and configuration, of course) and expect them to work. This isn’t always the case. If, for example, this API did not support a user updating an existing server then we could configure allow_commit = False (or simply not define this attribute resulting in the default value of False being used).

With this small introduction to the Resource object complete, let’s look at how you’d actually use this.

Using Resource objects

Let’s begin by saying most users won’t actually need to use Resource objects directly. openstacksdk consists of multiple layers, and most users will get away with using what’s known as the proxy layer. This is a utility layer that provides a number of easy API helpers such as create_server (to create a new server) or flavors (to list servers) that a user can use to interact with their cloud. An example from the README:

import openstack

# Initialize and turn on debug logging

# Initialize connection
conn = openstack.connect(cloud='mordred')

for server in conn.compute.servers():

It also provides an even higher-level layer, known as the cloud layer, which is used by things like Ansible’s OpenStack modules and can be used to wrap multiple complicated operations. Another example from the README:

import openstack

# Initialize and turn on debug logging

# Initialize connection
conn = openstack.connect(cloud='mordred')

for server in conn.list_servers():

Sometimes it can be useful to understand how these things work under the hood though, so let’s have a look at the ways to use Resource objects directly, from most complicated (and therefore most informative) to most abstract.

We said above that the definition of the capabilities attributes on the resource - allow_create, allow_fetch etc. - meant that users could use equivalent methods on the resource such as create. Let’s begin by attempting to use one of these on the Server resource actually provided by openstacksdk:

>>> from openstack.compute.v2 import server
>>> server.Server.list()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: list() missing 1 required positional argument: 'session'

Seems pretty legit. We need a “session” parameter. We can look at the docstring for this method to figure out what that should be:

>>> help(server.Server.list)
Help on method list in module openstack.resource:

list(session, paginated=True, base_path=None, allow_unknown_params=False, **params) method of builtins.type instance
    This method is a generator which yields resource objects.
    This resource object list generator handles pagination and takes query
    params for response filtering.
    :param session: The session to use for making this request.
    :type session: :class:`~keystoneauth1.adapter.Adapter`

There are a couple of ways to generate a suitable parameter. Let’s start with most verbose first. We can manually create a keystoneauth1.session.Session object, wrap this in openstacksdk’s openstack.proxy.Proxy object (which is itself a wrapper around keystoneauth’s keystoneauth1.adapter.Adapter object) and then use this on the relevant Resource object. An example:

>>> from keystoneauth1.identity import v3
>>> import keystoneauth1.session
>>> from keystoneclient.v3 import client
>>> from openstack.compute.v2 import server
>>> import openstack.proxy
>>> auth = v3.Password(
...     auth_url='',
...     username='admin',
...     password='password',
...     project_name='demo',
...     user_domain_id='default',
...     project_domain_id='default')
>>> session = keystoneauth1.session.Session(auth=auth)
>>> proxy = openstack.proxy.Proxy(
...     session=session,
...     service_type='compute',
...     interface='public',
...     version='2.1')
>>> print([ for x in server.Server.list(session=proxy)])

This aligns with what I’m seeing if I run openstack server list:

$ openstack server list -f value -c Name

Hurrah! However, not only is this super verbose but it’s using hard-coded cloud details such as keystone details and the version that I extracted from the openrc file laid down by DevStack. This seems unnecessary: you don’t need to manually specify any of these when using the clients so why do we need to use that here. In fact, it is unnecessary. Not only can openstacksdk parse the environment variables configured via the openrc file but it also supports (an in fact prefers) a clouds.yaml file, which on a DevStack deployment can be found at /etc/openstack/clouds.yaml. An abbreviated example from my DevStack deployment:

$ cat /etc/openstack/clouds.yaml
      password: password
      project_domain_id: default
      project_name: demo
      user_domain_id: default
      username: demo
    identity_api_version: '3'
    region_name: RegionOne
    volume_api_version: '3'
  image_name: cirros-0.5.2-x86_64-disk

openstacksdk provides a helpful little tool to show the configuration it’s able to identify automatically, the openstack.config.loader module:

$ python -m openstack.config.loader
devstack None {'api_timeout': None, ..., 'networks': []}
devstack-admin None {'api_timeout': None, ..., 'networks': []}
devstack-alt None {'api_timeout': None, ..., 'networks': []}
devstack-system-admin None {'api_timeout': None, ..., 'networks': []}
envvars None {'api_timeout': None, ..., 'networks': []}

You’ll note that most of these correspond to entries in the clouds.yaml file but there’s also an additional entry - envvars - which corresponds to the cloud configuration sourced from environment variables which were configured via the openrc file. Very cool.

Knowing that we have the above, we can use the above example once again but this time use openstacksdk to generate the Proxy object for us:

>>> import openstack.config.loader
>>> from openstack.compute.v2 import server
>>> config = openstack.config.loader.OpenStackConfig().get_one('devstack')
>>> session = config.get_session_client('compute')
>>> print([ for x in server.Server.list(session=proxy)])

This is far less verbose that the previous example and doesn’t require hardcoding any configuration into our scripts, or reinventing the wheel with regard to parsing environment variables or clouds.yaml files. Instead, we’re saying we should use the configuration for the devstack cloud from clouds.yaml. If we wanted to, we could also use the envvars “cloud” or any of the other devstack-* clouds. Ultimately though, it saves us a lot of code. We’re not done though. We can make this even easier by using the Connection object from the openstack.connection module. You likely missed it, but we already created one of these objects in our brief example on using the proxy and cloud layers above:

import openstack
# ...
conn = openstack.connect(cloud='mordred')
# ...

That does an awful lot for us including generating suitable Proxy objects. We can use it in place of the OpenStackConfig.get_one and get_session_client calls above:

>>> import openstack
>>> from openstack.compute.v2 import server
>>> conn = openstack.connect(cloud='devstack')
>>> print([ for x in server.Server.list(session=proxy)])

Wonderfully concise.

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